Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My 2nd Year

4months of sem break is over le....time to start my 2nd year in UTHM Mechanical Engineering...can said to be a  'fresh senior'...haha...thx God for bringing through whole 1st year degree...throughout whole year really learn n experience a lot of things...

n im juz finish my MHS of tis new intake...but it does not mean tis spiritual battle had over...tis war hv to fight until d day meet Jesus...n im very glad to be a part of it…tis MHS I would like to call it as a training ground or a practical place before go out…God will use these 3 years MHS to mould us n equip us for His purpose…
im sure tat through tis whole week of t.o.t (training of trainee) n MHS, our whole uni group are more united n our relationship had been improve a lot...we are one body of Christ, as we united together, we can do more thgs for God rather than do thgs without unity...所谓:团结就是力量….

Emm… hope during tis MHS, im will be a blessing to d juniors la…actually is not only during MHS but even after MHS, everyday aso hv automatic alarm to wake me up…tat is message from juniors, asking where the class n others…thx God for guarding my heart not to be angry….haha….hope them c God's love through my life...n aso thx God tat i got to know some juniors n some of them will be my target (im sure wat u thinking now are not same as mine)...haha....

Ohya…tis sem timetable can said to be free a bit than previous semester…

Monday : Dinamik (8-11am), Makmal Kejuruteraan II (11am-2pm), Bahasa Jerman (2-5pm)
Tuesday : Pengaturacaraan Komputer (8-11am), Mathematik Kejuruteraan III (11am-2pm)
Wednesday : Amalan Kej Mekanik III (8-11am), Dinamik (11am-12pm), Thermodinamik (12-2pm)
Thursday : Math Kej Mek III (8-11), Thmdinamik (1-2pm), Mek Pepejal II (3-5pm), Pengaturcaraan Komp (5-6pm)
Friday : Mekanik Pepejal II (5-6pm)

The time is not pack la…juz Monday no time for lunch only…other days aso quite free d lo….thx God…so tat I can more focus in studies n even ministry…

tats all la....hv time only update again la...^^ thx for reading...God Bless U All~~~

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